The conduct code


  • 01.

    At MovieArt we
    expect you to:

    1. Abide by the precepts and rules in this Code of Conduct as well as all related internal documents, relevant legislation and best practices in our sector.

    2. Align MovieArt’s propositions with your personal and professional objectives in each task and activity performed.

    3. Stimulate and valorize learning processes and development, both individually as well as that of your colleagues, creating an environment of trust, responsibility and respect.

    4. Treat everyone independent of gender with respect, including colleagues, service providers, suppliers, clients and local communities. Act in accord with the values and policies of the MovieArt Group both internally and externally, respecting local laws, principles and international human rights treaties to which Brazil subscribes. You may learn more about this in the annexes in this document.

    5. In face of conflicts or predicaments that may occur from day to day, endeavor to find solutions through dialogue and considerate attentiveness and respect, giving priority to an approach the dynamics of which everyone involved is able to benefit from.

    6. For formal complaints and suggestions, use the company’s official channels while contacting your representatives such as partners, executives and committee members. The MovieArt Group has a safety and confidentiality net able to respond to these complaints in the belief that this security is a key factor in cultural change.

  • 02.

    At MovieArt,
    it is not allowed to:

    1. Practice, tolerate or validate behavior, even the most subtle, of any discriminatory conduct or harassment that conflicts with an individual’s dignity or human rights;

    2. Disrespect the privacy of service collaborators, clients and other members part of MovieArt’s ecosystem, except by judicial order to the contrary;

    3. Put those part of MovieArt’s ecosystem in risk while exercising one’s professional duties be it through conduct not tolerated by the company or through negligence or inertia in making decisions able to guarantee or better the safety net of our professional network;

    4. Jeopardize, either through one’s effective conduct or inertia (negligence, imprudence or ineptitude), the execution of professional duties or services, MovieArt’s patrimony and/or clients, including the construction of the Group’s reputation as part of this patrimony;

    5. Act dishonestly, commit robbery, theft, fraud, manipulation or provide incentive for practices able to benefit one party in detriment of another, including other conducts foreseen in the Penal Code and Anti-Corruption Law;

    6. Be involved in any form of corruption, bribery, extortion or any other illicit act. It is fundamental that all collaborators, suppliers, partners and third parties associated with the MovieArt Group understand and strictly adhere to the applicable Anti-Corruption Law;

    7. Accept or encourage the use of gratuities, bribes, benefits or similar by any legal entity or individual from any country for any reason;

    8. Break any existing norms or laws when establishing commercial agreements or drafting contracts related to the government;

    9. Accept monetary sums or any other type of benefits, including presents, from suppliers and/or clients. If refusal to do so represents, due to cultural issues, an offense or may jeopardize business relations, communicate to Human Resources and Social Responsibility Management for further analysis.

    10. In the case of any member of the Council, Executive, Board of Directors or any other member, employee, representative, service provider or third party commits a prejudicial act against public administration which benefits the company, this person will be held responsible for all the damage caused, notwithstanding their individual responsibility.

  • 03.

    Commitment to
    people and
    Human Rights

    The MovieArt Group is firmly committed in guaranteeing that everyone, independent of sexual orientation, in our service ecosystem partake in the respect provided by Human Rights.

    We are pledged to promoting diversity and actively include people from minority groups in our work environment. We have an inexorable commitment towards the equitable representation of LGBTQIAPN+ individuals, those from different ethnic-racial groups (blacks, mulatto, Indigenous and yellow), those with deficiencies (PWD), neurodiversity, people residing in communities and favelas, adepts of historically marginalized religions, women (cis, trans and non-binary) and those 60 years or older. And we go beyond by offering these communities not only inclusion but tangible opportunities for professional development.

    The construction of a dignified and safe workplace for all independent of gender is a daily commitment for the MovieArt Group. The object here being to create an environment free of hassling, bullying, prejudice and discrimination in which every individual is valorized and respected and has the opportunity to fully contribute. Each and every member of our team can expect a workplace in which their well-being is a priority and where work practices are designed to promote health, security and dignity.

  • 04.

    and Harassment

    We should show respect in all our actions because here at the MovieArt Group we do not tolerate discriminatory and/or biased conducts of any kind such as racial insults, LGBTphobia, ableism, xenophobia, etarism or religious proselytism. Neither do we tolerate or condone conduct such as bullying, the raising of one’s voice against others, tones of reprehensions, public admonitions, the use of embarrassing terms, excessive rigor in demands, disqualification, isolation and/or veiled or direct threats be them in or out of the workplace.

  • 05.

    Racism and
    Racial Insults

    The MovieArt Group is committed to guaranteeing an equitable, just and mutually respectful work environment. We are determined to combat racism, the use of racial slurs and in promoting an environment in which everyone feels valorized and respected, independent of race, color, descent, national origins or ethnicities.

    Emphatic Prohibition of Racism and Racial Insults

    It is emphatically prohibited to use any kind of racist manifestation or racial slurs in our organization and the MovieArt Group, including all their ramifications. We do not tolerate discriminatory and/or offensive attitudes, commentaries or practices based on race and/or ethnicities.

    Collective Responsibilities

    All collaborators, partners, suppliers and other parties of interest have the responsibility of combatting racism and the use of racial slurs. Any occurrence of racist conduct should be immediately reported to the Human Resources and Social Responsibility Office, Chief Operational Office or through the already established complaint channels.

    Disciplinary Measures

    Any violation of these policies will result in appropriate disciplinary measures such as warnings, suspension or, in more serious cases, the immediate rescission of job and/or partnership contracts with the MovieArt Group. We are committed in assuring that any offensive conduct be treated seriously and that the Group’s response will be swift, adequate, lawful and effective.

    Education and Mindfulness

    The MovieArt Group is committed in promoting educational, competence and mindfulness programs to heighten the comprehension and respect of racial and ethnical diversity to better prevent racism and its use in its business network as well as to take any judicial measures necessary to do so. This policy will be reviewed periodically and regularly brought up to date to guarantee its relevance and efficiency in promoting a workplace free of racism and racial insults.

  • 06.


    The MovieArt Group is determined to promote an inclusive, diversified and respectful working environment. We are committed to creating and maintaining a place in which everyone, independent of their sexual orientation, identity or the manner in which they express their gender feel safe, respected and valorized.

    Emphatic Prohibition of LGBTphobia

    All and any form of LGBTphobia are prohibited in our organization or network. This includes, but is not limited to, discriminatory, biased or violent attitudes, comments, practices or actions based on sexual orientations, identities or on an individual’s gender expressions.

    Collective Responsibility

    All collaborators, partners, suppliers and interested parties are encouraged to actively oppose LGBTphobia and promote an inclusive and positive workplace. Any occurrence of LGBTphobia should be immediately reported to the Human Resources and Social Responsibility Office, Chief Operational Office or through the already established complaint channels.

    Disciplinary Measures

    Violations of this policy will result in appropriate disciplinary measures such as warnings, suspensions or, in more serious cases, the immediate rescission of job and/or partnership contracts with the MovieArt Group. We are committed in assuring that any offensive conduct be treated seriously and that the Group’s response will be swift, adequate, lawful and effective.

    Revision and Updating

    The MovieArt Group reserves the right to regularly review and update this policy to guarantee its relevancy and efficiency in promoting a work environment free of LGBTphobia

  • 07.

    Prohibition of Ableism

    Ableism is prejudice and discrimination towards those with deficiencies. The crime of ableism is part of the Brazilian Inclusion Law (Law No. 13.146/2015), established in 2016, that states in Art. 2, based on UN’s Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities:
    “Persons with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.”

    MovieArt Group’s Commitment

    The MovieArt Group is firmly committed with the creation and maintenance of an inclusive and equitable workplace for everyone.

    Emphatic Prohibition of Ableism

    Any form of ableism is strictly forbidden in our organization.
    We will not tolerate discriminatory attitudes, commentaries, practices or actions that segregates, excludes or depreciates people based on their physical, mental or emotional abilities.

    Collective Responsibility

    All collaborators, partners, suppliers and interested parties are encouraged to actively oppose ableism and promote an inclusive and positive workplace. Any occurrence of ableism should be immediately reported to the Human Resources and Social Responsibility Office, Chief Operational Office or through the already established complaint channels.

    Disciplinary Measures

    Violations of this policy will result in appropriate disciplinary measures such as warnings, suspensions or, in more serious cases, the immediate rescission of job and/or partnership contracts with the MovieArt Group.

    Education and Mindfulness

    The MovieArt Group is dedicated to implementing educational and mindfulness programs in order to combat ableism and promote respect and the valorization of all abilities and capacities.
    We will regularly revise and update this policy to assure its relevancy and efficiency in eliminating ableism in our work environment.

  • 08.

    Bullying, Badgering,
    Sexual Harassment
    and Sexual Importunity

    We are determined to prevent and combat any form of bullying, embarrassment. badgering. sexual harassment and sexual importunity, guaranteeing a wholesome and productive workplace.

    Emphatic Prohibition

    Any type of bullying, badgering, sexual harassment or importunity is strictly forbidden in our organization. This prohibition applies to all hierarchical levels and professional contexts, including corporate events, business trips, meetings and virtual interactions.

    Individual and Collective Responsibility

    All collaborators, managers, executives and partners are responsible for preventing and combatting bullying, badgering and sexual harassment. Any incidents or suspected instances of this behavior should be reported immediately to the appropriate channels for further investigation.


    • Bullying and Badgering: Persistent negative behavior directed at an individual or group, creating a hostile, intimidating or offensive work environment.
    • Sexual harassment and importunity: Undesirable verbal, gestural or physical behavior affecting an individual’s dignity, creating a hostile, intimidating or offensive work environment.

    Disciplinary Measures

    Any person involved in bullying, badgering, sexual harassment or importunity will be subject to disciplinary measures which may include warnings, suspensions, dismissal, immediate rescission of contracts and/or legal lawsuits in accordance to the severity of the incident including due legal measures taken by competent channels in this organization.

    Education and Prevention

    The MovieArt Group is committed to holding regular training and mindfulness programs to better educate all our employees on the impacts and consequences of these types of behavior to promote a safe, respectful and inclusive work environment. Suggestions and issues are welcome and may be sent to emails: and/or

  • 09.


    Brazilian Law No. 12.846/13 (Anti-corruption Law) and Decree No. 8.420/15 determine that it is a crime to offer any illicit advantages to those in the government or any individual. The MovieArt Group is committed to the legal integrity, transparency and conformity in all their operations and interactions.

    Anti-corruption Policy

    The MovieArt Group strictly prohibits involvement in corrupt activities including bribery, extorsion, nepotism, fraud and money laundering. All collaborators, partners, suppliers and associated third parties of our organization should adhere to this policy and rigorously abide by the law. To guarantee the applicability of this policy the company is continually implementing the following directives:

    • Prevention: The implementation of proactive measures in which to identify and mitigate corruption risks.
    • global.text-code-9-5
    • Reports: Encouraging transparent communication and the immediate reporting of any suspicion of corrupt activity.
    • Responsibility: Everyone in our organization, independent of their position, is held responsible for combating and preventing corruption.

    Procedure to Report Suspected Corruption

    Suspected corruption should be reported via Whistleblowing Hotline or email:

    Disciplinary Measures

    Any person involved in acts of corruption will be subject to adequate disciplinary measures which may include warnings, suspension, demission, immediate rescission of contracts and/or lawsuits in accordance to the severity of the incident as well as due corporate judicial measures.

  • 10.

    Liability and Disciplinary Measures

    Human Resources & Social Responsibility Management and Operations Management are responsible for receiving reports of the non-compliance of the terms of this Code of Conduct, contract terms and existing legislation. These reports, anonymous or otherwise, will be totally confidential and, depending on the complexity and subject, may count on the assistance of a specialized legal consultant.

    Upon receipt of report, a whistleblower's safety net will be established in the following stages, which may be non-linear depending on the severity and context, while always keeping the whistleblower’s well-being and respect in mind:

    Probe Stages

    • Analysis: Verification of report independent of reception channel.

    • Probe: Conduct an investigation of facts in a confidential manner, including, if necessary, interviews with those involved.

    • Testimony: Allow for additional testimonies during probe.

    • External Support: Hire specialized help if necessary.

    • Recommendations: Evaluate the need for legal consultant in decision making.

    Corrective and Disciplinary Action

    After an investigation of the facts, violations of the rules set forth in this Code of Conduct may result in the following measures:

    • Verbal counsel.

    • Written counsel.

    • Obligatory educational measures and/or mindfulness programs.

    • Suspension of work or service contracts for 30 days.

    • Discharge or recision of contract with possibility of case to be sent to control agency where proper judicial measures will be taken.

    Applicable measures will be proportional to the actions committed and conforming to internal policies and legislation in effect.

  • 11.

    Dissemination and Endorsement of Best Practices

    This Code of Conduct is a reflection of our inexorable commitment with the integrity and respect in all aspects of our operations. We are collectively committed in creating a work environment in which everyone feels valorized, respected and included.
    Every member of our team has a personal and professional obligation with their colleagues, partners and the MovieArt Group to act in accordance with the principles and directives established in this motivational document. Our success as a group is not only measured by our financial performance, awards or results but by our dedication in promoting an ethical, inclusive and sustainable work environment as well.
    Administration is committed to regularly revise and update this Code to assure its continual relevance and efficiency. We are open for feedback to constantly improve the standards of our ethical practices. By working together to maintain and promote these standards we are able to guarantee not only our individual success but the success and integrity of our organization as a whole.

Diversity Manifesto

Everything that is created and delivered to the world has the power to influence people and change cultures and their narratives. At MovieArt Group, through our various labels, we produce films with content and creativity.

We believe that the “how” we achieve results is as importante as the “what” we create. Therefore, we understand that our processes of creation, Production, and Development are opportunities to contribute to a legacy grounded in diversity, equity, inclusión, and ESG-related Practices.

Our values

  • 01.

    Creativity and Innovation

    We are constantly seeking innovation, ready for new experiences. We aim to cross boundaries and test new ideas. We firmly believe that creativity and innovation emerge from a rigorous dedication to the creative process. They flourish when our members are nurtured in an environment that not only recognizes but amplifies their potential.

  • 02.

    Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

    As a company, we fully value the diversity present in our society. We are committed not only to recognizing it but also to actively fostering and celebrating this multiplicity of experiences and perspectives in the quality of what is diverse and what integrates it. It is our role to bridge differences and make genuine efforts; therefore, we are committed to pursuing representation and diversity within MovieArt, in each of our projects, including and creating conditions for belonging and professional development for everyone.

  • 03.

    Trust and Autonomy

    We are doers, creatives, achievers, and technical professionals who take initiative and support each other in the pursuit of excellence. We believe in individual autonomy, supported by the trust that each member will make responsible decisions aligned with our values. This ensures that every action and daily choice reflects our shared commitment to excellence and mutual care, both in internal relations and in interactions with other MovieArt suppliers.

  • 04.

    Collaboration in a Safe Space

    The willingness to learn is part of who we are, it is rooted in our corporate structure. In the Movie group, we maintain the conviction that the learning process lasts throughout your career. It's an ongoing journey, and we are committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment in which mistakes are not seen or interpreted as failures, but as opportunities, information for development or improvement, and risk-taking decisions in your creative processes.

  • 05.

    Constant Learning

    A willingness to learn is at the heart of our identity and is fundamental to the corporate structure of MovieArt Group. We believe that learning is a continuous journey throughout one's career. We are committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment.

    In our space, we encourage each individual to explore new creative frontiers and take risks, understanding that every step is a move toward improvement and innovation. MovieArt is movement.

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